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Iron Man 3 5130 Nokia | Gameloft

Iron Man 3 (12 KB)

Vendor: Gameloft SA 
Genre: Shooters Action Television 
Added: 18 Apr 2013 Rating: 871662 HOT-100 No. 3 ]
Play the role of the main character in the film Iron Man 3 in this mobile game! Stark When the world is crumbling before his eyes caused by unknown enemies, Tony longs to find the perpetrators and bring them scores. Caught in a desperate situation, Stark can count only on themselves and their ingenuity to protect those dear to him. It is a real challenge for the hero who has to not only fight against the insidious enemy, but also to understand yourself, to find an answer to a question that has long been concerned about it, what is more important - a man or a suit? Go on an unforgettable adventure full of action and intrigue. Taste the full power and capabilities of the Iron suit, fly, shoot, destroy! Only in the end the truth will ... Language: English + Russian (dop.versiya) version Samsung: 

TouchScreen (Sensor) For owners of the Nokia X2-00 is recommended to download a separate dop.versiyu (in English) which are marked
For Samsung JAR 999 KB)
For Nokia JAR 995 KB )
For Sony Ericsson JAR 1753 KB ​​) 
Additional versions: 
On the Russian from Nokia | JAR 998 KB )
For Nokia X2-00 | JAR 415 KB )
On the Russian from SE | JAR 1761 KB )

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